Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 64

How is dd doing and the weather there? Still as hot as usual? Everything is well and going smoothly?
Understand from dd, today he has been driving thru the journey and cause all the tiredness. I could understand. With the kind of road which you have to handle was not easy. But I'm proud of you dd.. Kanbante !!! Think of it, your work trip like going under tough training. Hopefully after this week, you can loosen up a little and will not be so hectic.
I saw the pic which was taken earlier while their on road to the field.
Wow!! I can see their uneven road thru out the journey with branches and stones along the driving path or even in the middle of no where.
Really hope all the set up can be completed soon. Its really not easy going thru the tough journey daily in the morning at 6am. If I'm there I think I would be in sickbay almost everyday. Hahaha...
Tmr will be day 63 and not soon later I will be counting down from 50s onwards. So I should say time flies and not as bad as how I initially thought of.
Hope everyone dont be bored really over my little short story of Journey in Rockhampton ..
Have a good rest and sweet dreams everyone ..

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